26 July, 2011

felicity's special photoshoot

Yesterday, Felicity had a special photoshoot.

(Wondering why it was special? That'll be mentioned later in the post. ;))

warning - this is a picture-loaded post

Oh, and please excuse the bad photo quality/sideways photos/useless photos/ etc.

Couldn't help edit the original version... Hehe.

She was singing a lot of the time. :]

Again, sorry for the photo quality... I don't know if there's a ton I can do about that. I'm trying to fix it, though.

Oh - wondering why this is a special photo-shoot?? ;) Well, for the first time in her life, Lissie wore modern clothes without having to sneak around in 'em. I asked her if she wanted to wear modern clothes (;)), and Julie popped out from nowhere and said, "Say yes. For once in your life, be normal." Heh.

Well, you can't have everything in life, and that includes nice-and-not-nosy sisters. And now I'm quoting a Harry Potter character - sorta (if you don't count the sisters part). I started reading the series Sunday the eighteenth or something (not this last Sunday, the Sunday before), and am halfway through book three. And am loving it. ;)

Well, I suppose I shall be going. Which photos were your favorites? Do tell! :)


  1. I love it that your reading HP. It's the best book ever. I've read it threw 3 times. Simply amazing. Oh, and enjoy the PoA. That's the last book that ends on a pleasant note. XD

  2. I liked all the pictures but I think my favorites were the black and white ones. There were a couple that were awesome!!


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