25 July, 2011

i feel bad...

...just because I haven't done "One Photo a Week" in forever. Please forgive me, okay?

Anyway, I'm going to try to start doing this every Monday or Tuesday or so, because then I won't tell myself on Monday that I'll do it on Tuesday then I'll have a schedule to stick to.

Okay. So this week's (overdue) photo is...

 ...of Molly.

I know, it's kinda lame, but you can't resist that sweetness in her face, right? Yes, I know, the photo quality is still kinda poor -- so here's what I'm going to do to spruce it up...

{click on any photo to enlarge}
 Okay, so here we are with our base image in GIMP (also termed as the "Free Photoshop").
 I went to "Colors" and clicked on the brightness/contrast tool.
 I bumped up the contrast quite a bit and then increased the brightness of the photo very slightly. You don't want to have to bright (or dark, either) a photo.

 Looking better already, right? :)
 Now, there's only one two things I need to add to the photo: an attractive but faded watermark to copyright my photo (just in case ;)), and a fancy focus on just Molly's head. So I went to the toolbox and got out my blur/sharpen tool. (Yes, I know "something" is spelled wrong. It was a typo, okay? ;))
 These were the settings I used for the brush, which I used to blur my photo. :]
Then I went around with a brush and blurred everything around Molly's head, which resulted in...this!

I'm quite proud of it, even though it was a pretty basic edit to start with. ;)

And now, just for fun, here's a before-and-after flashback.


Hope y'all have a nice Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I know how that is. I always say that I will post something and I never do.


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