14 July, 2011

Happy belated birthday, Eric!

Since yesterday was Eric's birthday, he requested any type of ice cream and a cheesecake. He doesn't really like cake that much, except for cheesecake. ;) After this, we opened gifts, and one was really special -- but I'll mention it later on in the post. ;)

Then we went to an area nearby and went to a park. It's not a little park -- it's actually a large park, with the Guadeloupe River running straight through it. At first, everything was normal. That is, until we saw this little guy! (Or girl. I don't know, really.)

 this photo reminds me of that beaver in the first narnia movie. ;)

The creature above is actually not a beaver. No, not a rat. Not a muskrat. A nutrea! It's just like a beaver, and they're supposed to be rare.

 love this one, even though it's far from perfect. did ya notice the heart-shaped leaf below it?
 bokeh. :)
 Eric and I found some cherries and grapes people had apparently dumped in the grass for the ducks or whatever, and we each picked up a few cherries. Then we fed them to squirrels. ;)
 this squirrel is not very trusting.
 then we saw a mama duck with some yellow babies. too cute.

 sorry about the bad lighting here, but guess what this is? yep. a hobbit village. ;) or Cyprus roots or whatever.

 more nutrea pics! ;)
 a (blurry) picture of mr. nutrea swimming away.
more bokeh. :)

We also saw a mother nutrea with six tiny babies under a tree. All of 'em had come back from a swim in the river. :) I wouldn't mind a nutrea as a pet... That is, if they didn't so strongly resemble a rat.

Oh well, we still had a good time.


I gotta go, so see y'all later!

Happy belated birthday, Eric. :)

ps. the gift? it was "super mario galaxy 2"! My brother and I actually share it, so it was kind of both of our presents. :)

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