28 January, 2013

my blank mind

all photos sooc

I have no idea what I want to say right now.It feels strange to be writing a blog post and posting pictures.

Part of the reason that I took my long hiatus from blogging, is because I've always been worried of what people will think of me if I post the wrong picture, or say something that doesn't make sense, or post something that isn't what other people do. Part of what I want to accomplish in blogging is just being myself, and totally unashamed of who I am.

And on days like today, whenever my mind is blank, I might just get on Blogger and pour my heart out to the computer. So sorry about how that paragraph above doesn't make that much sense. It's late and I need to go to bed right now. So thanks you for being here for me, reading every last post, following, commenting and everything. It sounds so cliche and cheesy, and this is a cliche and cheesy and sorta awkward post, but honestly, it means so much to me. Thanks so much, you guys. :)


03 January, 2013

it's been a while


It's been such a long time since I blogged, I don't even know where to start. But I've updated a few pages and spiffed up the blog a bit, and I felt like I needed to drop in and let you that I'm still here and not dead or anything.

So yeah. Don't feel the need to comment on this post, cause it's kind of pointless. But yes, I am still here and I will be back very, very soon. :)
