27 June, 2013

Lately + ask

I've been wanting to write a post for so long now, but I just didn't know how to start. Then I read a post by Carolyn that really inspired me to write. (You should read it, too!) So...yeah.

I have a few updates, but before I begin, remember how I asked for some questions for my FAQ page? Well, I ended up getting, like, three, so if you have any questions, you can still leave a comment with them on this post or this one! Thanks. :)

Anyway, here are just some things I've been loving/doing lately...

1} Reading The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. I'm not very far in, but it's good so far!

goose girl

2} I really love Christmas lights. They can make a room a lot brighter and and more magical. Sometimes if I don't want to turn on my lamp, I just plug in my Christmas lights. :D


3} Have I ever mentioned I have a Flickr? I got it this February, and I love it. You can check it out right here. :) 

4} I love my cat. 


5} Yesterday I rode this...

iron rattler

It was actually really fun, and it's probably my new favorite ride! I had to get almost dragged onto it, haha. I'm so glad my friend made me, otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone on it. E, if you're reading this right now, thanks. ;)


I hope you're having a great summer!

19 April, 2013

Ask me.



green watering can

Hey! So I've been wanting a few more questions to post up the faq page, and/or answer in a post or two. I know a lot of people have been doing this, but I've actually been wanting to do this for a while, so - ask away! :] Also, if I get enough questions, I may do a vlog - but I'll be recording my voice (which is something everybody else is doing and strangely, something I've been wanting to do for a while also!). No promises on that one, though. ;)

So yeah - ask as many questions as you'd like! Just keep it clean, though, please :)

See you soon!

30 March, 2013

An apology.

Since I wrote my previous post, I feel the need to apologize. I know I sounded hypocritical, like I was pointing fingers, and like I was being really mean. Really, something I'm been thinking about - it's just a blog. I don't need to get hot and bothered over a blog when there are others things in life to worry about. I don't need to express every opinion I have. Yes, it is my own blog, and I can say whatever I want, but this blog doesn't need to be all about me and my opinions. It's not worth hurting others just to let the world know what I think about something. I can keep some of my views to myself.

I'm not perfect, at all. And if I were visiting somebody's blog for the first time, my last post definitely wouldn't be something I'd want to see. So if you read my previous post, I apologize.


22 February, 2013

I know I've said it a thousand times..

...but really, I just need to say something. I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I don't how how to say it, but I'm just going to talk. And if anything I say doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. I've written so many 'thought-provoking' and 'be yourself' posts, and I really, sincerely hope this one will be different.

Those 'be yourself' posts I wrote were shallow. And guys, it's hard to be you in this world, where most people are copies. So I will get tripped up sometimes. But I'm going to try. I want you, you who are reading this right now, to know that I don't wear vintage clothing, I get mad at my brother, my room is not clean right now, lowercase letters bug me, I'm on the computer too much, I procrastinate, I don't listen to popular music, I detest bad grammar, I haven't read the Hunger Games (can't believe I'm saying that...) and I don't have an instagram, facebook, twitter, pinterest, or tumblr. Our house isn't magazine-worthy right now, we don't have beautiful art on the walls, I have a wall in my room dedicated to odds and ends, I'm always changing up my blog design and room, and my room's carpet is stained. And now, I'll shock you... I don't watch Downton Abbey (but my mom loves it). And I'm not the person you probably think I am. I'm sorry for being fake. Please know that from now on, I'll genuinely try.

And you know what? I honestly never loved some a lot of the blogging trends. I think that if I hadn't started blogging, and hadn't been exposed to all these trends, then someone could have asked me “Hey, do you like (some trend, fill in the blank)?” And I would have been like “Eh...not really.” So please. If you don't like lowercase letters, vintage, whatever. Then please, please don't pretend you do. There's nothing wrong with discovering new trends and finding you love them, but ask yourself if you really do love them. It sounds super cliché, but guys, this is one “cliché” that I believe is very true. I'm sorry if I sound really harsh, and believe me, I've been wanting to write this for a long time, but was afraid it would sound mean. If it does, I apologize. Truly.

Now - I won't be posting like I used to (like, when I posted normally). I might post 3-4 times a week, or maybe I won't post for a month. I'll write only when I feel like it, not just to post. I've been doing that way too much lately, and it's very stressful. So yeah, don't be offended if I don't post for a few weeks here and there. ;)

 Thanks for reading, people. I'll see you soon. :)


{PS} Is the text on my blog too light and hard to read? I'm beginning to think it...

08 February, 2013

Just old pictures and a few rambles.




9-30-11 516

just some forgotten, old pictures

blank canvas. You might have noticed I changed my tagline to "my blank canvas." For some reason, I've always loved blank canvases. They can be made into any type of art you can imagine ... kind of like my blog. It's my spot where I come to share words and pictures and what I love, so I thought 'my blank canvas' fit pretty well. ;)
rain. I don't think anybody understands me on this, but rainy days are my absolute favorite. The (old) pictures above with rain made me so happy. It's not that I dislike sunshine, but rain and cold is usually my preference. What about you?

yet another old picture...

I love him so much. :)

SMASH. I'm not sure if some of you guys have ever heard of SMASH scrapbooks, but basically they're little scrapbooks that you can put pictures, ticket stubs, pretty stuff, and basically anything else that you can put in a scrapbook. (Can you tell I'm not very good at explaining things?) They have a bunch of different themes, and loads of accessories. I bought the pink one a while ago, and I don't regret it at all. It's so beautiful, and I might have trouble filling in some of the pages because they're just too pretty. ;)
some of the inside of the pink one {not my image}

friday. I love Fridays. Having a full week ahead is such an amazing feeling.

I'll leave you with this.

28 January, 2013

my blank mind

all photos sooc

I have no idea what I want to say right now.It feels strange to be writing a blog post and posting pictures.

Part of the reason that I took my long hiatus from blogging, is because I've always been worried of what people will think of me if I post the wrong picture, or say something that doesn't make sense, or post something that isn't what other people do. Part of what I want to accomplish in blogging is just being myself, and totally unashamed of who I am.

And on days like today, whenever my mind is blank, I might just get on Blogger and pour my heart out to the computer. So sorry about how that paragraph above doesn't make that much sense. It's late and I need to go to bed right now. So thanks you for being here for me, reading every last post, following, commenting and everything. It sounds so cliche and cheesy, and this is a cliche and cheesy and sorta awkward post, but honestly, it means so much to me. Thanks so much, you guys. :)


03 January, 2013

it's been a while


It's been such a long time since I blogged, I don't even know where to start. But I've updated a few pages and spiffed up the blog a bit, and I felt like I needed to drop in and let you that I'm still here and not dead or anything.

So yeah. Don't feel the need to comment on this post, cause it's kind of pointless. But yes, I am still here and I will be back very, very soon. :)
