22 February, 2013

I know I've said it a thousand times..

...but really, I just need to say something. I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I don't how how to say it, but I'm just going to talk. And if anything I say doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. I've written so many 'thought-provoking' and 'be yourself' posts, and I really, sincerely hope this one will be different.

Those 'be yourself' posts I wrote were shallow. And guys, it's hard to be you in this world, where most people are copies. So I will get tripped up sometimes. But I'm going to try. I want you, you who are reading this right now, to know that I don't wear vintage clothing, I get mad at my brother, my room is not clean right now, lowercase letters bug me, I'm on the computer too much, I procrastinate, I don't listen to popular music, I detest bad grammar, I haven't read the Hunger Games (can't believe I'm saying that...) and I don't have an instagram, facebook, twitter, pinterest, or tumblr. Our house isn't magazine-worthy right now, we don't have beautiful art on the walls, I have a wall in my room dedicated to odds and ends, I'm always changing up my blog design and room, and my room's carpet is stained. And now, I'll shock you... I don't watch Downton Abbey (but my mom loves it). And I'm not the person you probably think I am. I'm sorry for being fake. Please know that from now on, I'll genuinely try.

And you know what? I honestly never loved some a lot of the blogging trends. I think that if I hadn't started blogging, and hadn't been exposed to all these trends, then someone could have asked me “Hey, do you like (some trend, fill in the blank)?” And I would have been like “Eh...not really.” So please. If you don't like lowercase letters, vintage, whatever. Then please, please don't pretend you do. There's nothing wrong with discovering new trends and finding you love them, but ask yourself if you really do love them. It sounds super cliché, but guys, this is one “cliché” that I believe is very true. I'm sorry if I sound really harsh, and believe me, I've been wanting to write this for a long time, but was afraid it would sound mean. If it does, I apologize. Truly.

Now - I won't be posting like I used to (like, when I posted normally). I might post 3-4 times a week, or maybe I won't post for a month. I'll write only when I feel like it, not just to post. I've been doing that way too much lately, and it's very stressful. So yeah, don't be offended if I don't post for a few weeks here and there. ;)

 Thanks for reading, people. I'll see you soon. :)


{PS} Is the text on my blog too light and hard to read? I'm beginning to think it...


  1. I REALLY like this post. It's exactly what I've been thinking lately.
    While I do like lowercase letters (but only in moderation), I don't like vintage. And I'm most certainly not perfect.
    So thank you for writing this post. I'm in the middle of relaunching my blog, and I realized that I'm only relaunching it because it was too much like every other blog in the universe.

    (And the text is a little bit hard to read, but that's just me.)


  2. Thank you for writing this post, Hannah! Being yourself can be greatly difficult online, but I find that those who are true to themselves are the ones who impact me the most. No one is perfect though, and I'm glad that you wrote this post to prove it. I was very encouraged by it!

  3. hey hannah! just wanted to say keep up the good work ;) i love your blog :)

  4. Hi, Hannah! I'm Anna :) Haha.
    I'm commenting because I've been reading your past posts and you do blog well. But whenever I come across one talking about how you don't like it when people use the word lovely, british spelling or talk about vintage clothing, dslr and lowercase letters, it's almost. . . offending! How do you know people didn't like those things before? It's not entirely clique. So please just leave that topic alone. Thanks, Hannah, my dear :)


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
