28 July, 2012

Just a note...

Okay, so I'm not really sure what to say right now. I haven't posted in so long, but I don't want to promise more posts to you guys because I'm not really sure if I'll keep my promise.


I feel terrible about all of this. I used to have a million good post ideas every week, now I'm lucky if I have one idea a week. I feel like the harder I try to think of things to post about, the more the quality of my posts decreases.


So I guess I'll try to post more now, but no promises.

Thanks for staying with me, guys. :)

See you soon!

05 July, 2012

Happy {late} Fourth of July! (& Re-evaluating)

Happy late Fourth of July, guys! I hope you have fun and safe day yesterday. We did nothing, but I didn't really mind...We never really celebrate it that much anyway. :)


Oh, and one more thing. You know how my title also mentions re-evaluating? I know you're probably groaning and thinking, "Haven't you already written several of those, Hannah?!" And you're right, I have. But this one's different. I'd really appreciate it if you'd take the time to read.

Lately I've been noticing that a lot of people in this little corner of the blogging world seem to share the same interests, like the same things, visit the same websites, etc. I mean, I/we are all so caught up in photography and taking beautiful images full of emotion, and Pinterest, all that...I sometimes forget about our other interests in the real world, outside of blogging. For example, I used to post more about American Girl, but I slowly began to notice that to others, that wasn't really that cool anymore. So I stopped.

It's hard for me to be writing this, because what I'm about to say is something that I'm not really sure I'll...do: I want to post more about American Girl/things I like. At least I'll try. But will I? Or will I just get discouraged and disappointed in myself for being so...different?

I've made up my mind to try. I'm just going to try blogging differently, focusing more on my own interests, even if they're not what everyone likes. These kinds of posts have probably gotten pretty old to you guys by now, and I don't really blame you. But please, just...Bear with me here. :]

Oh, and please just ignore any grammar mistakes in here...I'm too tired lazy to look it over and change anything. ;)
