04 September, 2012

Just some thoughts



I was reading today about what kind of qualities people appreciate in a blogger. Everybody wanted different things. Some said they liked funny writing. Some said they liked more writing and words. Some people liked fashion and other people liked art.

I want to please everybody, but do I take really good pictures? No. I like to write more. I like to write more. I like to write about stuff that might not interest anyone else, but that I still like to write.

What do you do when you feel like you're not exactly pleasing others? Wait it out, or just change your posts?


  1. I definitely would say, don't blog to please others. Stay yourself, and people will appreciate that more than if you tried to be someone you're not. Even the name of your blog should remind you of that. :) You're beautiful being who you really are. These are just some thoughts from a fellow blogger. I don't blog to please others, but enjoy posting things that I want to post, and thinking of my blog as more of a diary to look back on later. Oh and by the way, both the pictures in this post are lovely and inspiring. :)


  2. just post what you want to post! it's your blog, and it'll be more original that way :)

  3. I don't blog just to please others. I please myself and that's it :D

    Do what you want! No one can be mroe original than YOU!

  4. I love your posts, don't change a thing. <3
    I post about things that are on my mind, mostly.


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
