13 May, 2010

The A Life of Faiths are here!!!!!!

Hello viewers! :)

This is a picture of ALL of my ALOF (A Life of Faith) dolls! I already had Elsie, (for those of you who don't know about ALOF and have never seen Elsie before, she's on the far left.) There are a total of five dolls, and I have five right here, so now I am very thankful to say. . . .I HAVE THEM ALLL!!!!!!! I am not trying to boast at all. Really, I'm not. If you don't have all of the ALOF dolls or if you don't even have one, keep praying about it! I prayed that I would get them all someday, and look at what my awesome God did for me!:

From left to right: Elsie, Kathleen, Millie, Laylie, and Violet. I also got:

*A science microscope (I am really into science lol.) You plug it into your TV using an AV imput and then it lets you look at things with a very high zoom level! I love it!

* A heart necklace, I love it! It is soooo pretty! It's very fancy too, it looks like it goes with a shrug or something. I wore it yesterday. :)

* Another necklace, with charms and stuff. It's more cute than pretty, like something you'd wear with a sweatshirt and jeans. :)

* Violet's Devotional Sketchbook, it's from A Life of Faith! It includes instructions for sketches of God's creation, and along with the instructions, it includes sweet little poems and Bible verses! It's really cool! If you want it or think it looks cool, then you should get it. You will truly enjoy it, but the drawings are really hard! My bird turned out looking angry. lol

That's about it. I love Kathleen, she's much cuter in person than online.

And I'm not trying to brag or anything about how I got 4 dolls, because here's a funny thing:

A few nights before my birthday, I was feeling kinda bad because I knew I would probably never have all of the A Life of Faith dolls. Well, my mom wanted to say so bad 'you will on your birthday,' but she knew that would spoil the surprise, so she waited. Then she kept on hinting and bringing things up about them, like, "Well, how would you feel if you got them all?,' and 'what will you do when you get them all?' lol!!!!! I didn't get it!

Now, my mom is not going to tell me how much she paid for them, but she got them at a really good sale price, and then used coupons too. She tried to do as good as she could because she knew I loved them and that they were not going to be sold at Family Christian or anywhere else anymore. So please don't feel bad about me getting 4 dolls. I know that it wasn't any of my work, but it was God's work, because He was kind enough to bless me with 4 beautiful dolls! Keep on praying for the ones you want! You never know, because with God, anything is possible!

Anyway, my birthday was the greatest and I'm so very, very, thankful!

Will post more pictures soon! :)


1 comment:

  1. Wow that is so cool!! You are so lucky, I bet you are very happy :)


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