21 December, 2010

Updates and all . . .

Long time no post! I'm sorry, everybody . . . I've been kind of busy lately. :/ I can't belive there's only four days till Christmas! :) Hopefully, Elizabeth will be the newest member of the doll family - that's who Felicity is simply dying for. ;)

Also, today is my cat Krispy's 4th birthday! It's really her birthday . . . and my cousin Adam's birthday. Weird, huh? LOL! :)
So I took out a little cardboard doll cake (one that I made at an AG Michael's Craft Event once, to be exact), and a plate and a napkin, and set up the cake all pretty for Krispy. :) Then, this made her a little miffed - I took one of my doll birthday hats and put it on Krispy! LOL! She looked so funny that everyone laughed very hard.
Also, on belhalf of this special day, we've been giving Krispy some special love and attention. I remember the day we got a teeny little kitten from the humane society . . . we drove her home in a laundry basket comfortably situated in the front of our car with blankets and a few small pillows. She was so small that my mom could hold her in the palm of her hand. Even as a kitten, she had a personality, though she was always ready to play and cheer us up. If one of us began crying back then, she'd come to us and purr and would try to make us feel better.

Krispy was and is a very special cat. She's a little vain and definitely has a personality, but she is still sweet, comforting and very affectionate. I am Krispy's owner . . . but she feels like she's just another famly member. :) I can't belive she's four already!
Happy birthday, Krispy! :)

Last but not least, I've gotten a lot new books from the library - one that includes lots of very cool knitting patterns for me to knit up some presents for Christmas! :) I also checked out Little Women. It's so good! The book is an older version, and the grammar is very old-fashioned, but for some reason, reading that is much more fun to read than hard. I've always loved any type of writing. ;) My basic favorite hobbies besides dolls are reading and writing. I think you knew that . . . :D
Anyways, the book makes me very thoughtful about its subjects. It's very interesting. I also love the character Jo - she loves writing, and she's pretty thoughtful about it too!

I think that's about it. Sorry for the lengthy post, but I had quite a few updates for you all, as you can see . . . ;)

See ya later! :D


1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    Sounds like you had a fun little party for Krispy. I like the idea of the doll cake!
    Little Women is a good book, from what my mom told me. I tried reading it but couldn't get into it. I'll probably try it when I'm older. :-)

    MA AG Lover


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