25 December, 2010

Merry Christmas!!! :)

Merry Christmas, everyone! :D And Happy Birthday, Jesus! :) I love celebrating the birth of Jesus today. So far, the day has been great!

Although, there of course were presents under the tree this Christmas:) Some big ones and medium sized ones were mostly the ones I saw from my Mom. But one puzzled me. Two, actually. There were these two slender, small, rectangular boxes. And my brother had two as well! It was very strange. We shook 'em - they sounded like M&M's or Skittles in there.

Well, I just went to bed absolutely puzzled, and anticipated opening that present as the first present I opened in the morning. It wouldn't be the new doll that I hoped to recieve or anything of that sort, or even those things from American Girl that my mom ordered on Cyber Monday for me - it was definitely going to be the first present I opened. My mom had never tricked and puzzled my brother and I that good during any Christmas.

When I woke up, I was immediately hit by the thought, come on! Go and open that present. However, I was freezing in spite of the blankets piled up and didn't feel like walking all the way to the Christmas tree and looking underneath it. My room is just right across from my brother's, and not at all far away from the Christmas tree, but I still just tried to go back to sleep.

Finally, though, I woke up again. I hadn't been sleeping, but I wasn't awake, either; I was just in dream mode. When I'm sort of dreaming, and asleep, but I can hear what the world outside me is saying and doing, only I'm just not tuned into it.

So I jumped up and ran to the tree. What hadn't been there the evening before was now placed under the tree: a doll-sized box wrapped in shiny snowman paper.
Instantly I wanted to open it. I got my mom up and she told me it was very, very early in the morning and that I should go back to bed and open it later so I wouldn't be really tired in the afternoon. But I was fully awake and convinced her that my brother Eric, who is fourteen, would want to open his new iPod Touch from my parents. So finally, I went straight for that rectangular package. And it was candy. These little Wonka things that are soft in the inside. I was so relieved to have that burden of unkown presents out of my way!

Then I went straigtht for the doll box as my brother s-l-o-w-l-y opened his iPod Touch. And, as I tore down the wrapping paper, a little blue-eyed, blond-haired face appeared in the face window!!!
It was Elizabeth. I was overjoyed. Felicity now had her friend! She wouldn't be so sad and lonely anymore.

Anyway, I ripped open the rest of my presents and found some great items! I made a little Christmas album on my picasa. Here's the link: picasaweb.google.com/hanniedolluver/merrychristmasandwhatigot! :)

Have a very Merry Christmas, everyone! :)

God bless and have a good day,



  1. I loved the story of your Christmas morning! You are so blessed with a loving family who know just what you want!

  2. Hi Hannah!

    I enjoyed reading about your Christmas day! Congrats on getting Elizabeth! Your pictures of her are gorgeous! Guess what??!? I got Elizabeth too!!! I wanted to get her before she retired! I also got Felicity's Tea Lesson Gown for Christmas! :)

  3. That's so awesome, Anne! Post photos soon! :)


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