22 September, 2011

I really don't know how to say this, but..

...I just don't feel like blogging anymore.

Alright. Perhaps I don't mean just that. Yes, blogging is fun, but.. lately it has been so frustrating. Everything I write seems to bore everyone who reads my blog, for it's not often I receive comments (yes, on Saturday I did, but that was nearly a week ago), and not only that; blogging now seems a little bit like something I ought to dread. Honestly, I barely look forward to blogging, not to mention designing my blog. I have redesigned it several times and I cannot get the slightest bit of inspiration on what to make it look like.

Blogging just doesn't excite me that much now. Why? I don't know. I do enjoy posting, and I do enjoy designing, but as I said, it frustrates me. I'd rather get few comments on giveaway posts and all those kinds of posts, rather than getting the usual "0" on my usual posts.

I know some of this is my fault, as I have been a rather bad blogger lately. I apologize for letting this blog get a little out of hand. I am highly considering just making a design that I actually like, and posting about three or four times a week, and trying to wipe all the dust off of this blog. :]

I'm sorry if I sounded a bit grumpy in this post, but I really would appreciate your comments stating your thoughts and, if it wouldn't be too much.. Perhaps you could tell me how much you actually look at my blog? You can be honest. ;)

Thank you so much for reading this and.. Everything. :)


  1. i do! I think your blog is cool, and I like your photography a lot. I just don't have a whole lot of time to comment, but I will try to more often!

  2. I love your blog! I look at it often! :)

    Hannah W.

  3. I love your blog, Hannah! I don't get many comments, either, but I still love to blog, so I continue. :) I don't post as often as I used to because of being incredibly busy, but I still *try*. And as long as you're trying, there isn't anything to be mad about! Also, I'm sorry I don't comment enough. I'm a TERRIBLE commenter. :P



I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
