25 May, 2012

Inside my mind

Today was my last day of art class (for those who don't know what I'm taking about...I take an art class and love it :)). I finished up my last project, sort of in a hurry (I'm amazed I actually got it done!), and I was really pleased with how it turned out. It's my silhouette, only my head is filled with random objects, words, song lyrics, doodles, quotes, and everything else inside my mind.

I'm really sorry about all the triangles and stuff...I used them to block out some 'personal'/badly drawn stuff. ;) Like the year I was born, my last name, etc.

PicMonkey Collage2

I was going for a more vibrant and colorful look, and I think I might have made it a bit too colorful, but   it's okay. :) Mostly I just used a pencil to sketch stuff out and erase what I didn't like, which took an unusually long time. Then I outlined it with a black sharpie pen and filled it in with more colorful sharpies. 

By the way, all the pictures in the collages are straight out of camera - sorry for the terrible quality.

Do you like it? 

20 May, 2012

you're beautiful.

Today -- yesterday, really -- I was thinking about inner beauty. Not just being pretty inside and all that -- and I'm not saying that's bad -- but just a little bit .. 'deeper'.


We look in the mirror so often and we feel like we're not pretty enough. But we're made in God's image. You may not be beautiful enough in the world's eyes, but you're made in God's image and that makes you beautiful enough already.

You're beautiful. God loves you. I don't know why some people just can't realize that. They just don't seem to understand how much God loves them, that God made them beautiful. God has a very special purpose for you. If you live your life thinking you're not good enough, or not pretty enough .. Well, that's just not part of His plan!  Remember: you're worth more than gold. Don't forget.


10 May, 2012


I'm pretty sure that most of us like photography. But yesterday I started to think about how before I started blogging, photography didn't even matter to me.


Before I go on, I'd like to say that if photography is your passion, then go for it! But what doesn't make sense to me is how when most of us started blogging, that's when we started to enjoy photography. I don't think too many of us actually loved taking pictures before we began our blogs. I know I didn't - the only reason I began to use my dad's point-and-shoot was because I wanted to take pictures like other bloggers did.


What do you think?

Also, all the pictures in this post are soocs, so I realize that they aren't the best ever. ;)

05 May, 2012





It always gets hotter here in Texas when spring rolls around. That's why I've never really liked this season all that much. After all, we're in in need of rain already. I miss all the green grass.

Is it green where you live?