04 March, 2011

Lots of Miscellanious...

 Spring break is almost here. Next Friday, we will be free of homeschooling for a week! I can't wait. :)
 Bokeh...I love out-of-focus shots.
 Anyway, I thought I'd show you a few books I'm reading (most of them from the library).

Number one is "Elsie's Tender Mercies". I still need to read (or get my hands on, since I only half of the beginning of book number five) book numbers five and six, but I knew who Elsie married in the fifth book and decided to read the seventh. I also knew what children she had, having read the first Violet Travilla book in this series, so this one basically was not a spoiler. I was just tired of waiting for the fifth and sixth books to come...
 Back view.
For all of you Elsie lovers, did you know she had a website?! ;) I'm really excited about it, since I'm a major Elsie Dinsmore fan/lover.
Check out the A Life of Faith website here and the Elsie website here. ;)
Then I got "Millie's Faithful Heart." I've read it before, but just like with Elsie's case, I still haven't found Millie's fifth book yet. And this book is a major cliffhanger, sadly. I'm really wanting to know what happens next!
 Then I got "Life in a Log Cabin: the Texas Frontier" by Helen Moss. It's a bit basic, but still helpful for my writing about Texas in the early 1800's.
(I also found out something neat yesterday (or took pictures of it; I knew it was there for a while) and posted about it on my Picasa here. Please check it out; I'd love it if you could!)
Also, a few days ago I went for a walk just about ten minutes before the sunset. It was a little cold, but still very beautiful, and I got some shots of the sunset, which was all oranges and yellows. ;) I love sunsets...

I included a photo of the sunset in this post, by the way. Just so you'd know. ;)
 I also recently just got a book published in '91, "How to Write a Children's Book and Get it Published." I found out a LOT about what exactly a children's book IS. (Not that I didn't know what one was, but I just got lots of information about what children, young or old, appreciate in a children's book!)

The author explained what a children's book can vary to and from - it can be a bright, colorful picture book or a fat mystery (one of my favorite kinds of books; hehe, I love the fat ones!).

Anyway, the book itself is very good so far and I'm very pleased with it.
As for the last photo of this relatively (or really) long post...it's that promised photo of the sunset. It looks a lot brighter than it actually was - it was actually pretty dark outside - but it still kept things almost exactly as they were.

Have a great weekend, readers! ;)


  1. I think it would be fun to be homeschooled.Is it?Boy,my Spring Break must've been early..It's ending on Monday.

  2. It is fun, but also a bit trying at times;)

  3. Loved the post! My Spring is after this Friday too. :) And I'm SO getting that book about childrens' books! It's a must!



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