07 March, 2011


I was tagged by Leanna from Loop-De-Loop! ;) Thanks so much for tagging me, Leanna. This is actually the first time I have purposely been tagged, so thank you! :)

It looks like I must produce seven random facts about me, and then I must list seven other folks who I'd like to tag. :D Sounds fun... ;)

1. I used to dance. {And loved it! I'd love to do it again, but I'm starting violin soon.} :)
2. I absolutely HATE spiders. I know, that's babyish, but ever since I touched a tree full of harvestmen spiders {daddy longlegs}, I have hated them even more. *shudder*
3. I love the Series of Unfortunate Events book series! <3 :)
4. I'm a quarter Slovakian, and 3/8 Swedish, but I look pretty Swedish. ;)
5. I never watch TV, unless it's something good, but for some odd reason I am not one to plop down on the couch and surf channels. ;) I didn't mean it if that caused offense. ;D
6. I love music; any soft rock, rock, pop, classical, gospel, etc. {Sometimes I'll listen to country, but it's not every day...}
7. I play Super Mario Bros on the Wii with my brother almost every day. :D I know, it sounds wacky, but that game is pretty addicting. ;)

Well, that's 'bout it! I tag:

1. Carolyn @ Snow Globes in my Wardrobe
2. Quinlyn @ Quinny & Co.
3. Hannie @ Irishgirl
4. Jasmine @ Dancing on Clouds
5. Hannah at American Girl Fun (aka AG Fun)
6. Gabrielle at Swiss Miss Lotti
7. Sammy at Saved by Grace

So that's all for now... :) Thanks again for for the tag, Leanna!

Have a great night, girls. ;)


  1. I can't say that I really adore spiders either except they eat houseflies and I don't like house flies! You did a great job on your 7 items! Sylvia

  2. Don't worry, I'm not a spider fan either. :P And I immensely dislike house flies. But if there weren't spiders, there would be flies, so I'll bear the spiders. ;)

    Thank you! ;D

  3. DANG! I didn't read your post, and I was going to tag you! :(



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