02 March, 2011

picasa 3.8 and some paint (?!)

This is something I made about ten minutes ago (on Picasa 3.8) for a new doll story, in case I get a new American Girl/other brand doll soon. ;) I really love it...

I love Picasa. It's kinda amateur, but it's not at all hard to figure out, which I love.

Also, I just downloaded a new program onto our laptop called Paint.net. I was trying to make a background, but just couldn't. It's tough. Well, when you're a beginner, of course.

In fact, the next time we all go to a bookstore I'll take a look at a book on HTML or two. I understand the very basic HTML, but nothing really amazing. You get the idea.

I'd better wrap this post up by now...it was all pretty boring, wasn't it? Sorry. =P


  1. I'm right there with you.But cool!And I like that picture.Very....somethingish.


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