22 October, 2010

we matched.

Yesterday, Mom, Eric and I stopped by Sears. Mom and I were browsing in the girls clothing area, and we happened upon some matching girl+doll outfits (called 'Dollie&Me'). Call me babyish to match my doll's clothing, but when we found a little Christmas-y outfit we just couldn't resist it, especially since Sears was having an amazing sale. ;)

So we got it, and now Abby and I can match! Unfortunately I cannot share a picture of myself in the outfit, but I can give you a picture of Abby in her little Christmas outfit. ;)
I just had to snap a quick picture of Abby in her outfit. Heh.  Abby really likes her outfit...Mostly because it matches mine. ;)
Let me know what you think about our matching outfits! If you have anything matching for you and your doll, or your doll and another doll, do share. ;)

1 comment:

I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
