08 July, 2011


Sometimes I find myself dreaming of this.

This lovely, large, very expensive camera. It costs an inordinate amount of money. I mean it, people...

 Just click to enlarge.
And on a side not, I wouldn't mind if someone got me this Nikon, which costs even more than that other Canon. Come on, it only costs $1,299.00!
And I wouldn't mind any (or all) o' these if I had a Canon. Just sayin.'

So, yes. A DSLR is a dream for most people. And if you have one... Well, be grateful. Okay?

If I had a Canon -- or a DSLR, for that matter -- then I would be so, so, so happy.

And if I could afford a Canon, I wouldn't be posting this. I would be on Amazon, ordering the Canon EOS Rebel t3i.

Just sayin.'


So why exactly am I posting this? Well, just because it's a dream and I'd like to share it with you all. And because I've heard and seen that if you write your dreams down, they have a bigger and/or better chance of coming true. Try it. Write down your dreams.

1 comment:

  1. I really want that camera!

    Super bad!

    My mom says it's maybe time to get a new one if I'm really into photography!


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