22 July, 2011

why, why, why.

Sometimes I wish I could be another blogger. I want to have five hundred or more followers, and this kind of blog design, and twenty comments on a post with ten words.
But you know what? It's okay to be different. Now, I'm not saying, "Be who you are! Act super weird! Don't be afraid to be different!" Of course not. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't try to be and wish to be like another blogger just because they are popular or because they get lots of attention.

It's okay to get inspiration from other bloggers. As in, you like how they put those colors together and stuff, so you make something a bit similiar. But don't do something just to get attention, okay? Be original! Don't be afraid to be you or to write or talk a certain way.

And all of this goes for non-blogging issues, too. Embrace your your face shape or small nose or whatever. God made you beautiful! You don't have to be super skinny with a face full of makeup, always dressing how the rest of the world dresses. You can be yourself.

"I looked in the mirror
And instead of seeing 
The perfect model I'd dreamed of being
I just saw me
Not exactly a tiny waist
Or a pretty, perfect face
But that's okay
Because I'm me."

The above poem was written entirely by me, and is copyright Hannah Elise. If you want to use it, please ask before touching it. ;)

And no matter what, know to give your insecurities to Jesus and then let them go. You and others will appreciate your being original and not caring what the world thinks of you.


  1. Great post, Hannah! I agree completely! And I love your blog! :)

  2. I agree totally, Hannah. :) Well said, girl! :D



I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
