16 July, 2011

Samantha's Downy Dunk

I wanted to post this tomorrow, but decided to do it today. Hope y'all don't mind! ;)

Today I gave Samantha a Downy dunk, and was very pleased with the results. I took a bunch of photos, so here they are! (Told ya I'd do a doll post. Right? ;))

 sorry that it's sideways.

I used normal Downy, but any fabric softener works.
 Here's Samantha soaking. ;)
 I used the Downy rather sparingly, and added a bit of water so the smell wouldn't be super strong on Sam's hair.
 sorry about my arm and again the fact that it's sideways. i know this picture all of these photos are of hideous quality.

I was quite pleased with the results when I took her hair out of the Downy a few hours later and rinsed it completely with water. It was soft and silky -- just like it was when I first opened her box and looked into her sweet face almost three years ago.

 Then I put Sam in curlers. :]
 This was after I curled her hair. Don't you just love it?! ;)
 back view
Samantha waves good-bye. ;)

So, yes, the Downy dunk worked very well, and I recommend that you do it if your doll's hair is dry, rough and/or frizzy.  You can soak her for a few hours or overnight (that is, if it's really bad) -- just take off all of her clothes before soaking her. Please. Okay? Thanks.

Have you ever given your doll a Downy dunk? Got any tips? Feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated. ;)

Hannah (+ Samantha!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I had no idea you could do that! :) That is so cool! :)



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