12 July, 2011

movies+something you must read

Yesterday, my mom told me that her favorite blogger had posted a link to a site that had a post all about "Ten things that could be killing your blog." Honestly, it should have been "Ten things that are probably killing your blog and you don't even know about it and so you need to read this now if you're sane." But anyway, it was still an awesome article.

And you probably need to read it. So here it is.

And the other six-letter word: Movies. :) We watched Avatar yesterday, and it was a lot different than I thought it would be, yet still good. But a bit creepy, in a way.

Anyway, it was pretty good. Just weird. I don't want to see it again for the rest of my life.

Well, I gotta go, so see ya later!


1 comment:

  1. That article was really good! It helped me alot.

    As for the avatar,I haven't watched it yet, I don't think I will.. Same thing that you thought... weird.. xD No offense.


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