19 November, 2011


Thanksgiving is coming up in less than a week. It's not just time to buy a turkey and ingredients for pumpkin pie-it's time to realize and share what you really, truly are grateful for.


We all take for granted the simplest things that many people don't have. A roof over our heads. A variety of clean, nice clothes to wear. Serviceable shoes. Clean water. Food to eat. At least one car, a laptop, a tv. Access to books at the library. A mattress and a bed. An education.

So many kids talk about how school is "the worst invention ever" and how they wish they could spend all of their time doing what they want to do. Think about how fortunate you are to be getting an education at all. Lots of kids can't go to school. And here some people complain about having the chance to learn.

With that being said, let me tell you about a project I came up with. On Thanksgiving day, you and I post as many things as we can think of that we are grateful for (I'll be expecting at least twenty things, so why not try and make it to one hundred..like I am?). It could be anything, from the library to your new sweater from Target to the bike ride you take every night.

So-all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post promising me you'll do it, and post the 20+ things you're grateful for on Thanksgiving (remember to stick the button below on your post before publishing). when Thanksgiving is over, I will be posting my link to the actual post on this post. if that makes sense.

Are you ready?

1 comment:

  1. That sounds awesome! I'd love to do it :D
    Oh and another thing-- I think that this layout you have now it pretty cool :D


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
