09 November, 2011

miscellaneous // etc.

my dolls. I'm starting a very exciting, um, thing on here that involves my dolls and yours! Be checking back for it. ;)

sun flares. I love sun flares! So, on the twenty-ninth of last month, I grabbed my dad's coolpix and shot some pictures of the setting sun.

just to let you know, I don't live anywhere close by to where these photos were taken. :)





electricity. When we were driving back from the place where the above photos were taken, I was taking pictures inside the moving car.

And this, my friends, is the result of me clicking the shutter button on my dad's little coolpix a few times.


Can someone tell me how I took this picture? I just pressed the button-this is what appeared on the screen afterwards. Doesn't it look like some weird red lightning bold?


found here

found here

found here

found here

If you haven't ever been on Pinterest, you are missing out. (However, I'd suggest staying on people (that you trust!)'s pinboards because I've heard that there's some bad stuff on there. All I ever do is stay on people's pinboards...People (whom I trust)'s pinboards...and I suggest you do the same.)

On another note, I'm in my pajamas right now because I've been sick since Monday night. My nose feels like a dripping faucet. It hurts. And so does my head. And so does my throat. And so does everything.

It's not very pleasant.

I have to go right now, but I'll be back soon. I promise. :)

1 comment:

I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
