22 November, 2011

when I grow up.

...i want to be a dance teacher, I said when asked at about the age of five or six. I had been taking dance lessons since I was four, and what could be better than teaching what I loved? I would make up my own dance moves and make all my students wear big fluffy tutus. Life would be good for them and it'd be good for me.


..i want to be a 'scientest who studies the ocean,' I said sometime before or after I wanted to be a dance teacher. So what if I was copying my brother? I imagined myself having an office right on the beach, a wooden cabin painted white. I would find seashells down at the shore, return to my cabin and study them. And sometimes I would go scuba diving. Little did I know this is not how it works.

Later on I also wanted to be just a plain scientest. I had no idea what scientests actually do, but I guess I thought it would be fun (don't ask me why, I have no idea).

found via google


..i want to be a writer, was my thought by the time I was seven or eight. I wrote little poems sometimes, I wrote in my journal (aka a tiny, twenty-page notebook that I was very proud of), and I wrote..hmm, probably fifty stories on our computer. I thought (I thought I knew) they were the best stories in the world. I once wrote a story when I was about five about a girl named Katy with a 'pesky little sister' (at that time I particularly wanted a little sister, not a big one). It was a page long. It turned into a 'series' of page-long stories and that's when I decided to become a writer...Or that I wanted to become a writer.

for some reason I did not like the 'once-upon-a-time' stereotype, and never had. too common. old news. but I thought this picture was neat so I took it.
image also via google.


..i have wanted to be a writer ever since then. :) I would enjoy singing and writing songs, of course...Anything with words? I WILL gladly accept it. Wherever He takes me, though, I'm sure I'll be happy with it.

After all, He knows what is best for me. ;)


what did you want to be when you grew up as a little girl? what do you want to be now?

much love.

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