17 August, 2011

One Photo a Week - Week Three (I think?)

 I think it's Week Three, but I haven't a clue. Really, I should have numbered the weeks in the first place. But obviously, I was much too foolish not to think about it. But anyways.

Take a look at this week's photo.

I probably shouldn't have said "photo," because it's actually a collage; I just couldn't make up my mind on which photo to post.

Hey - don't leave. There's a bit more.

Last night, Eric told me he had something to show me down in our pasture (something fun), and so I rather reluctantly agreed to go down there. I grabbed my camera and followed him and Sunny, our dog, down to the pasture.
 What awaited us was what looked like (and what turned out to actually be) an old bike handlebar tied to a rope, which had been wrapped around a high tree branch and then stretched to a smaller tree some twenty feet away. Eric then had tied it to the smaller tree and tightened the rope so we could swing back and forth on it.

In order to swing, you had to grab the bike handlebar with both hands and then get a running start; next you had to kick into the air in order to get up high, and then twist around and repeat. It sounded and looked very boring, but when I tried it it was rather fun. And no, it wasn't dangerous if you had a good grip.

{that's eric in the above photo. he was kind enough to let me post this one blurry picture of him (where he looks all 'inflated' somehow)  . . . but it's something! :)}
 I had more fun taking pictures, though - some of them were of our kitty, Krispy.
 sorry for the horrible quality; blogger must have done it, as it certainly didn't look like this on my camera!
Everytime Eric and/or I leave the house without Krispy, she will automatically go to the front door and meow loudly and annoyingly until somebody opens the door for her.
And to end this post? Yet another photo of the sunset. :)

I hope you all enjoyed the post! Which photo was your favorite? Do tell! ;)

PS. Like the new design?

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