04 August, 2011

This summer...

...has been okay. It hasn't been particularly special, but I've still really enjoyed it.
Actually, though, I'll admit that I'm looking forward to school - sorta-kinda.

Anyway, here are some things that I've been doing this summer.

1 . r e a d i n g  h a r r y   p o t t e r. I started reading it about three weeks ago, and am on book five. And last night, all I could do was sit in my bed shivering and thinking about that book - and don't tease me, it was creepy. You all will have to admit it if you've read it. (I'm talking about the end of book four. Wow, J. K. Rowlings has a good imagination...)

i wasn't shivering last night. i was just close. ;)

2 . m y  n e w  d o l l  s h e l f.  Not really new, just new to me and them (the dolls).

Yeah, it is. Oh, and sorry for the bad quality. I had to take this while standing in the almost-back of my room, on top of my bed, and I was kind of wobbling. :P I know, sounds foolish... And it was. Good thing no one saw me. ;)

Yeah, but I'm really glad about my new (temporary) doll storage. You see, I never really liked my desk; it was just too... Boyish. And the sad thing was (::sniffle::), we couldn't take it out - it was built into the wall. So I'm liking my desk a bit better now, because it has all my dolls on it. :)

3 . p h o t o g r a p h i n g  &  e d i t i n g .  It's been a lot of fun taking - and editing - photos this summer. I've been experimenting with watermarks and how to add lens flares and remove red eyes.

A bit of that lens flare is natural, but most is fake. Who knew you could do that?


Anyway, I should probably get going. After all, it's 10:18 AM and I'm still in my pajamas.

Have a nice Thursday and coming weekend!

1 comment:

  1. End of book four is creepy. But, I would gladly read that part again. X3 I also heard that Rowling actually cried writing the end of book four. It's terrifying in the movie :S


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