09 August, 2011

something to sew on a rainy day

FYI: It wasn't rainy yesterday. I just happened to feel the need to say something like that. ;)

Last year, we happened upon this shirt at a garage sale...

...and decided to buy it, just for fun. I mean, it looks cool that the shirt says "American Girl Place, New York" on it and you have't even been to New York. Like me. It's so easy to fool people, isn't it??

And yesterday, in my closet, I realized that there was no need to keep this shirt in my closet for forever. I brought my shirt back to my mom and asked if we could make a doll shirt out of the graphic on the front of my tee.

And after finding this cute, free pattern for a doll tee-shirt on Liberty Jane Clothing, we got to work!


 We cut the shirt down each of the "side seams" or whatever, and then folded the shirt and pinned down the front piece of the doll tee.
 And then we cut it out.
 After this, I did the back and sleeves of the shirt...

And then we began sewing.

I didn't take any pictures of this, but I can assure you it was boring and a little frustrating when we had to take the seam ripper out after listening to the defeaning rather loud sewing machine for forever.

After much pinning, sewing, sewing, and pinning, this was the result. (Mind you, we didn't have any velcro, so until we get some, it was kind of ugly in the back.)


 And this morning, I took Abby out for a photoshoot. :)

 Ignore the little threads everywhere. It was kind of messy.

And to end the photoshoot? Queen Krispy joined.

Hope you have an awesome Tuesday! :)

Oh, and sorry for all of the bad quality/blurry/completely useless photos. Just ignore them.


  1. Cool! Did you use a sewing machine or just hand sewing?

    I have an AG doll website, too, it's at agplayground.weebly.com :)


  2. Priya -- We used my mom's machine. :)

    I'll check out your website!


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