30 August, 2011

taking a break

I just wanted to tell y'all that I'm probably going to be taking a break from blogging for a while-I'm guessing I'll be gone for a week or so. That way, I won't be spending as much time on the computer, and I've been doing a bit too much of that lately . . . :)

Anyway. The same goes for my Picasa and all other accounts. You may still comment on anything, or shoot me an email, but I will probably not reply until I'm done with my break.

One of the only reasons I'm taking a break is because I feel that I just need to get more ideas about what to blog about. I haven't gotten a comment for over a week, so I'm going to try to make some 'more captivating' posts. Be looking forward to a (hopefully) big doll post in a week or so!



  1. I'll miss you, Hannah!

    Hannah W.

  2. Aww! I LOVE your blog, I'm just a terrible commenter. :P I'll miss your posts, but I understand!



I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
