18 March, 2012

Down in the garden

Felicity and I went outside to the garden today, and I snapped some pictures. :)

behind ze scenes.

behind ze scenes //2

If you got through all that, you're amazing.

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You know what I found out today? People I know (well, I don't really know them, but..well, you know..) in real life look exactly like some blog authors. It's kinda weird. And creepy.

We do school tomorrow. Bye, spring break. :(



  1. Cute! For the first couple o' photos, I thought the flowers were fake until I saw the daisy.

  2. Aww, cute! I love the ones of her hair :)
    And haha, I meet all kinds of people who remind me of certain bloggers. Exhibit A in my last post :)

  3. Adorable!
    And I'm always wondering HOW in the world do people get doll hair into buns... I never can manage to get it all to stay. :(
    I love the pictures. :)

  4. Your photos are beautiful! What kind of camera do you have?

  5. @Kellee - I used to have the same problem. I'm not sure what the 'secret' is, but it helps to use lots of bobby pins and to make sure to twist the hair tightly, then to attach it securely with lots of bobby pins. :)

    @Lena - I use a Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX5. Here it is on Amazon. :)



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