30 March, 2012


Hey, guess what?

I won an iPad just this week. An iPad 2. (!!)

Yes. And I'm posting about it on April Fool's day. I know, it's crazy. I was making this post the day I won, scheduling it for April Fool's day, because wouldn't it be a little funny to fool people into thinking I won on April Fool's day? But I still changed the post.

I entered a giveaway a little bit ago for an iPad 2. I'm not even sure why I entered, because the chances that I would win were so slim. But I used every.extra.entry.possible. And I prayed that I'd win every.single.day. Yes, I know it sounds like I was desperate, but who wouldn't want an iPad? Seriously.

I won, and posted about it on April Fool's day, so my readers probably won't even believe me.

And I am very very excited. (:


April Fool's. Yes, 'twas a joke. 


  1. You've been tagged for Versatile Blogger!


  2. Oh man... I was so excited for you!!! I've been known to do a few April Fool's day jokes myself via Blogger :) http://www.emilysacra.com/2010/04/last-post.html



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