15 March, 2012

what's new

our garden

We just started a garden. Part of it will hopefully be used as a new pen for our rabbit, Honey, so he can hop outside in fresh air. :)

how could you not think he's the sweetest little bunny ever?!

bailey's new wig

Remember Bailey? If you don't, she's a doll I "rescued" from Craigslist over a year ago. Her hair was a mess, her limbs were loose, one eye was silver. There was the number "4" written on her foot with a permanent marker (which I rubbed acne cream on...it eventually faded, and now you can't even tell it was there!).

Anyway, we stopped at a doll store last Friday (with Bailey) and picked up a blond wig to see if it would fit her. Miraculously, it did, and I bought it for only about $15. It was normally $25, but the store was going out of business, and so we got a discount. Here are some pictures of her new hair.

ps. I'm thinking about renaming her Autumn..what do you think?




spring :)

I know this is kind of weird, but I've never really liked spring. Maybe it's because that's when it always gets hot where we live (yes, it gets hot before summer). But I don't really mind the weather, and I do like spring break. (: 





Yep, it rained a while ago.


What's new with you? And are you on spring break?

...Just curious. ;)


  1. I am, sadly, not on spring break yet XD
    I think you should name her Autumn only if you really really want to. She's super cute, either way :D

  2. I love the pictures, Hannah! I'm excited for spring, too - spring break isn't for about another month or so, but the weather's been really nice lately :)

  3. I LOVE Spring. Esp this year cuz its nice and warm in WI, and that's not usual. So there's warm weather and no bugs!! =D My favorite. XD

  4. meant to finish this on the other comment, but it... idk, it kinda said it would be visible after approval kinda, so...
    anyway, im not on Spring break yet. :( We get it around Easter.

  5. I am not on spring break yet!
    The picture after the flower picture is really gorgeous! It's probably my all-time favorite. I am seriously serious, that picture is so beautiful! The plant, the water, the rocks, it was probably just waiting for you to come along to take the picture. That is how much I love that picture.

  6. I am NEVER having spring break, our school doesn't do that. :( It really stinks, but oh well. More summer break for me! ;)


  7. We started our garden this week too! and we don't get spring break, but I still like spring. Maybe it's because I dislike winter so much. Your pictures are gorgeous!

    thanks for your comment on my blog.

  8. I'm hoping to get a garden started up soon! I always plant to much and then lack the time to take care of it. Maybe I'll work on something smaller this year. :) Your bunny is adorable! & your flower pictures are pretty!


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