19 February, 2012

Banana paper.


Yesterday I had my second violin lesson, and on the way home we stopped at Target so I could hunt for notebooks. I bought a pack of three banana-paper journals with my own money, which shows you how much I wanted them. ;)


Here's my journal used for writing down wise words, quotes, writing ideas, etc.


The paper inside is made from recycled material and banana fibers; hence the title. ; )


Here's my prayer journal, where I write down prayers. It was inspired by this post, and also from an older journal of mine which had a "prayer" category. I love the idea of writing prayers out. The paper inside is the same as the paper in my first journal.


And this is my art journal, for drawing//painting//doodling. The paper is unlined, of course.

I love them all. =)



PS. This was where I did my photographing.


And I think the weather thinks it's spring here. Cause it's been rainy and muddy and flowers are blooming.


PPS. I can't believe I just devoted a whole post to notebooks.


  1. Those notebooks are so cute! I want some! :) I actually plan on buying a new notebook and binder {or two} this weekend with some new gel pens, so maybe I can get these from my Target.

    Nice photo quality, by the way!

  2. Cool! I was scrolling down and I saw the inside of the notebook, and I was so surprised! It's super cool! I've never even heard of banana paper. How was your violin lessons? I take violin lessons also. Good luck! ~Jenny


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
