09 February, 2012

Better with a pencil



I prefer a laptop to a pencil and paper when I'm writing, but when I want my work to be really good, I write by hand and then transfer to the computer. When you write by hand, you can't hit backspace or add or delete sentences like you can on the computer, but all the extra work definitely pays off.

What do you like to write about? Do you write on the computer, on paper, or both?

Instead of saying "happy Thursday!" like everyone else does (depending on which day of the week it is, of course! ;)) I'm just going to say that I hope you have a good rest of your day. ;)

ps. I got a Formspring like everyone else. Seriously though, I'd love it if you'd ask me a question! If you want to ask me anything, do so here. :)
another ps. I'm starting violin lessons on Saturday. Mmm-hmm.


  1. I like laptops better... But for writing in my journal- definitely pencil (or pen!) and paper.

    That's cool that you're starting Violin!

  2. whoa! I love your blog design! and I always feel like I write better on paper, despite being distracted by doodles :)

  3. Writing on paper is def. cooler! For me it helps me focus on what I am really trying to say. Lovely blog btw.



I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
