16 February, 2012

the chase

 Once upon a time,
there was a cat
who was running from me.
If you're wondering why she was running,
it was partly 'cause she was hyper,
and then because she hates being chased with Phoebe (my camera).
 She didn't know how to escape,
but found a way in a few seconds.

The end.

ps. I know, this was boring. 
pps. Whatcha think about the the new design? It took a lot o' work. But it was worth it.
ppps. If anyone knows how to make the post date//sidebar titles smaller, please do let me know, because I've corrected every bit of my HTML and obviously the text does not want to shrink.


  1. haha, I love the motion blur in the pictures, and the design looks great!
    i'm not exactly sure what's wrong with your template, but it might help if you changed
    size:10px to font-size:10px. size won't really change the font size. same with text-size:10px. that's all in your headers section, which you can find by doing CTRL + F and typing in h2. did that make sense? :)

  2. I've always loved your blog designs, Hannah, they are very impressive and beautiful! I can't believe you know how to work with HTML codes, I could only dream of being able to do that.
    Love your cat, she's so cute!

  3. Haha, it's really weird because I was multi-tasking (as usual) and then I come on here after like, 15 minutes and there are already two comments! Before, there were no comments and now there are two! (Including this one which would be three). I really love animals and your cat is so cute! ~Jenny



I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
