21 February, 2012


When I'm having trouble coming up with something to post about, I sometimes attempt to create those beautiful posts I've seen on some other (popular) blogs, but I just feel even more frustrated when I see no comments on those posts.


The truth is, I'm never going to be able to post stuff like that and still get comments, because it wouldn't be me to write like that...and my readers would be able to tell, I'm sure. And no matter how hard I try, my pictures aren't going to look like others', because I have my own photography style.


You know, I don't have a ton of clothes and I'm not what you'd call stylish. I don't have a huge DSLR with a variety of lenses. I don't have any people to take pictures of and actually be able to post those pictures. I can't even post pictures of myself. I don't travel a lot, or have exciting adventures, or write as well as others. I don't have a perfect blog design.

[the lake :)]

And that's okay, because Jesus died for me to enjoy my life, even though it's not perfect. Even though I don't have what everyone else has. I don't need a perfect life. I just need to be myself and enjoy life even though it's not perfect.

Even though I'm not perfect, I'm trying my best to be real.



  1. Amen, girly. :) I feel the same way you do.

  2. I like these kinds of posts better than those popular bloggers', because {as your title says} they are real. :)


  3. I have to agree with BOTH of these comments (and girls who commented)

    This is so true. I LOVE this post. Although, I do enjoy those blogs, I have many other ones that I enjoy, and I think I will try to comment on EVERY post I look at, to help those people know that people ARE reading their blog, even if it isn't 'popular'.

  4. *Claps* Beautiful, Hannah. Just beautiful. I am not a popular blogger either.

  5. I absolutely love this background picture! It looks so nice :)

    Thanks for your lovely comment!


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
