07 February, 2012

Can't have a rainbow without a bit o' rain.

Sorry for the lack of posting around here! I can relate to you, Carolyn. ;) Funny we both felt like this at the same time. =P

Wondering about the title? On Sunday, we went out shopping for a little while, and it had been raining pretty hard. But when we came out of the store, there was a lovely rainbow stretched out across the sky. =)

Pretty, eh? ;)

And if you were wondering, yes, there were raindrops (which I immediately wiped off!) on my camera lens. Those raindrops drive me crazy. And if I try to remove them the picture looks way too edited and fake. =P

Anyway, nothing has been happening around here. Nothing. I've been trying to uncompress a zipped folder without any success (I don't think I could get a bit less smart. =P), so if someone who knew how do it would comment I would be very happy. Don't worry about the length of your comment. If you know how uncompress a zipped folder in Windows, just tell me in whatever size comment you please. ;)

Oops, there is some news! I got a new pet owl. Her name is Autumn. Here's a picture of her.

I made her myself. It's an American Girl craft from Michael's I got for two dollars. Yeah, I used a coupon. ;) My brother thought she was made of wool. He knows nothing about crafts.

EDIT: I don't get how I forgot to mention that Autumn the owl is a case for an iPod//mp3. I'm really embarrassed.

Anyway. This was probably the most boring post in history, so kudos for reading it (if you even did..). I just hope I can figure out how to uncompress a zipped folder. I know I sound like I'm super technically challenged and can't figure out something so simple. I'm probably missing something.


  1. I know how! What you have to do is take the file, and open it with windows explorer (right click and push open with and then click windows explorer, or, if it's your default one, just click it twice)
    Then, after the new window pops up, click on all the folders to open them until you get to the item you want to unzip.
    Click on that item (or click on all of them if it be more than one) and drag it over to the left. (where your folders such as documents, pictures, etc)
    Drop it on the folder you want it to be in, and go take a look at it. It should be there. If this doesn't work for you, you are going to have to get a program...
    What is it you are trying to unzip? I think I can help you farther if you let me know that... If it's like pictures (from picnik, since they're closing) it will work.

    Sorry this is so long, but you said that was okay, and this should answer your question.
    If it doesn't, google it. You can almost always find what you're looking for. =)


  2. Thanks, Rachel! I actually figured out how to do it, but without your suggestions it probably would have taken me longer to get it. Thanks so much. :)

  3. The picture of the rainbow is so beautiful! I love looking at it soo much!!! Wait...you took your camera when you went shopping??? You must be a really good photographer then! ~Jenny


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
