23 February, 2012

My dream house.

beware - this is a very long post.
inspired by this post

Prepare to be bombarded with dozens of (dreamy) pictures.
Sorry about how small most of them are.

the house / front and/or back yard / what you see when you first walk in.

The front of the house. Absolutely perfect.

You'd see something like this when you walked through the front door.

And this is the staircase.

This would be in the backyard. :)

So would this.

And this. I would sleep up in this tree house in the summertime.

the library / office or desk.

Welcome to the library! 

It has two libraries, you see. The first photo of the library was library number one.

My desk would look something like this..

..and this, combined.

Also, I'd have some fabric hoop bulletin boards on the wall, so that they sort of looked like art. Maybe I'd pin a few old-fashioned photographs to each one? A possibility. ;)

I already have a super-cute handmade pencil container with neat vintage fabric on it..Now all I need to do it attach it to the wall! :)

your room / guest rooms.

This is my room.
So incredibly me.
Uh, actually, this room is way too girly and old-fashioned for my taste. It'd be turned into a guest bedroom. See what my bedroom would look like below.

This would also be in my room (in white instead of green, of course ;)).

Inside my closet would be this. I just wonder how I'd get the couch in there. 

I would have two closets. The one above, then this one.

This is where you'd sleep, Mom . I don't think you'd mind. Unless I got a glass of water at midnight.
(The kitchen = dream come true for Mom..and me.)
Oh, and I know this isn't really a guest bedroom, or even a room for that matter. But I had to show it to you.

Attic/guest bedroom.
This would be my bedroom. ;)

Everything about this guest bedroom is perfect except for the comforter on the big bed. It doesn't even match the rest of the room! I think a bedspread matching the wallpaper would suffice though. ;)

Yet another guest bedroom. It could also be my room sometimes.

And this is the last guest bedroom. Or part of it, at least.

kitchen // miscellaneous.

You know that kitchen I showed you above? Well, it'd have a chalkboard paint backsplash. That's basically the only thing I'd change about it. 

Genious! This would definitely be somewhere in the house. 


I actually might make this sometime, only it would be the letter "H" instead, of course. :)


So, what's your dream home? Any Pinterest boards or websites that inspire you? Let me know! 
Feel free to make a post like this one, give me the link while you're at it. :)

Some really neat posts/pinboards to inspire/entertain you:




  1. Great ideas, Hannah! Very creative!

  2. I love the third and fourth guest bedrooms..... <3

  3. I love the water slide and staircase!


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
