10 January, 2012

I love art.

I love art. Art made with pencils and paintbrushes, or with fingers splattered with paint, or even on the computer. Computer art (above) is very unique as well. And so is street art.

Lots of my art inspiration comes from Pinterest, or even some people's blog designs. I spend lots of time on this art board, and on this blog (which is also a great place to find do-it-yourself projects!) to find inspiration for art.


So, do you like art? What's your favorite kind?

As my friend says: ART RULES. Hehe. ;)


  1. I have to say that Street Art is AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL . . . and just extremely awesome! :D I love it. <3 I don't do it, and I'm not exactly artistic, but I do love all kinds. :) I can really appreciate them.


  2. I L-O-V-E art!!! I'm not sure if this is the kind of art you were talking about, but my favourite kind of art is music. It's fun to make and easy to do, and it's the ONE thing(besides playing video games. XD) that I like to do more than anything else in the world. :D



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