01 January, 2012

when I was little..

..we got a humungous Hershey's kiss and cut it into three pieces (my dad didn't want any, so just Mom, Eric and I shared it). I tried to carve my piece into a little chocolate statue or something (I think I tried to make a person's head...?).

..I made at least fifty stories on our computer and all of them were horrible, but I had "serious talks" with my mom about publishing them.


..I had this little stuffed animal that could sing if you pressed a button on it, and from when I was a baby to about seven years old I would always run away from it, hide, and sometimes cry because I was afraid that it wouldn't turn off. And it was kind of a creepy little toy, too.


..I called butterflies "butties."


..I ate cole slaw as a baby. Yes, a baby. My great-grandma got worried about me choking on it, but don't worry, it was safe. :)


..I loved to read, and learned how very young. When I was about three years old, I would heave a tall stack of books with my to a chair, climb on the chair, bring my books up with me, and carefully page through each and every book for a long time. When I was done, I picked up another book. I know I must have done this for hours. (We have this super cute picture of me reading, too.)


..I loved those books about that girl named Madeleine who lived in Paris. My mom checked all of them out for me at the library one time, and when she took them back I walked up to her and said, "Mom, do you have any Madeleine books?" When she said no, I said "oooh" in a very sad voice, and walked away sadly. Then she bought them for me and I think we still have them all.


..I had this ballet dress with a lacey top and a long, flowing skirt. When I was dancing gracefully around the living room, my skirt flowing and flying behind me, our cat would be chasing my skirt all around, batting at it, jumping.. Everyone said it was funny.


..I would sit in the shopping cart reading a book from the store as Mom did her shopping. When we were done we just put the book down, I got out of the cart and we left!


..I wrote in a journal frequently. I have actually done a few posts filled with old journal entries which you can look at here and here.


..I loved my American Girl dolls and I still do. :)


..I wanted to play the bagpipes, and still do. Weird? Yeah, but I don't care..


..I liked to knit, and went to a knitting club at the library filled with old ladies. I still knit but I don't knit with old ladies anymore.

What were some of the things you did when you were younger?

Happy January 1!


1 comment:

  1. I love the definition I found of bliss: Perfect happiness *sigh*

    When I was little I had imaginary friends called diddle-dums. There were thousands of the little creatures ;)


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