21 January, 2012

An old typewriter and a book.


I'm writing a book right now about a girl named Rayvn whose parents die, and then she runs into the forest and meets this girl who shows her a secret world. It goes much deeper than that, of course, but it's been going pretty well so far, and I'm pretty excited about it. ;)


When I was seven, Mom had an old typewriter that I used all the time. It actually worked back then, and I loved to type on it. I'm kinda sad it doesn't work now, but it still is a great photography subject!


I love typewriters, don't you?

So tell me-what are your thoughts on my book? Do you like the idea? Let me know! :)


  1. Well, I was writing a book kind of like that. -_- (this is kind of awkward...) but, my book is violent, and there's no secret world, so it's not like they're EXACTLY the same...


  2. The book idea sounds so cool! I would love to read it when you finish. :)

    I love the first picture in this post. And the first collage, the picture on the right. They're really great photos!


  3. @Miranda - Hmm, that's strange. Well, I promise I didn't get my idea from anyone else--it was completely original. :)

  4. The book sounds great! :D I'd love to read it sometime. :) And I LOVE the pictures! And typewriters. :]



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