15 January, 2012

Spending my time

Lately, I've been spending my time...

Letting the rabbit hop around on top of my desk. Not the best idea.. Oh well.

Cleaning. (The multiple messes that the rabbit makes.)

Listening to this absolutely amazing song by Britt Nicole. It's new, just released. Listen to it. I will buy it on January 31.

Writing in my journal. I literally write everything in there. It's made of (I think) real leather and it's so pretty. I just love it.

Playing with my dolls and styling their hair.


Wondering why I haven't posted for so long.

And why I made this pointless post.


Anyway, what have you been up to lately? What's your favorite way to spend your time?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, thanks so much for posting Britt Nicole's new song! I LOOOOOVE it!!!


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