16 February, 2011

Gratitude Straight from My Heart

(Up there is a photo collage that I made on Picnik (the editing website I use all the time;) for no particular reason...)
I felt like posting one of those "Once a Week Thankfulness" things that I used to do a long time ago. (Okay, not so long ago, but weeks ago.) I apologize for stopping that. I've been writing in my gratitude journal for ever since, ABOUT, the beginning of January, but I haven't actually done Once a Week Thankfulness (or Twice a Week Thankfulness) for a long time. So, I am truly sorry.

It just slipped from my mind. I am really busy these days when it comes to the Internet, and I really mean it this time. (Not that I haven't meant it before, though!)

So (this is NOT what I wrote this morning for what I'm grateful for), five things I'm thankful for (wow, a lot of "th" and "f" used there!):

1. Hot chocolate. :) (Or coffee, sometimes...I'm not a huge fan of coffee, but on really cold days it's delicious.) ;)

2. Target (the store, of course) - where else would I get doll accessories, my camera that I want...and so much more?! I wouldn't have my bedspread if Target simply didn't exist. XD

3. Photography. I am not extremely good at it (if I wanted to take good photos, I'd save up for a Canon EOS Digital Rebel, but not really...) - however, I love it, as it's just one of my hobbies. It's never something I'd consider as a, well, career, but it's a strong hobby that I love. And what really made me love it was reading about cameras and flipping through the photography magazine my mom got me! LOL.

4. People from Russia, Germany, Hungary, and a lot more foreign countries visiting my blog. About every day, I check my stats on blogger, which also means that I'm checking who goes to my blog, where they come from, how they get to my blog, etc.
(When I showed my dad how many countries I got that had people visiting my blog, he was really surprised!) hehe...

5. How can I put this, I ask myself, without seeming repetitive? I guess I could say the A Life of Faith dolls, that they exist and that the A Life of Faith website, books, and products exist. Without them, I truly don't think I'd be as strong a Christian. They have taught me so much about God. You don't have to be a Christian to participate in their website or play with their dolls, however. I have all the dolls (not trying to brag here AT ALL!) but I wish they'd come out with more, like one that lives in the 1700's era. :)

Check out their website right HERE! You'll love it, guarunteed! :)

I guess that'd all for today...or, for now, since I have millions of things to be grateful for. ;) (Truly, though, I do have a lot to be thankful for!)

What are you grateful for? Is there a special thing that you really appreciate, daily? I'd love to hear. :)


PS - I've been hoping so much for some comments lately, so I'd love it if you would take the time to drop me something. ;) Also, I'd love it if you would check out my Valentine's Day post below! Thanks!


  1. I'm greatful for my camera! It has SO many settings, and it's basically a newer version of my parent's camera! It was only forty dollars, but my dad got it for FREE! :D


    P.S. It's a Kodak EasyShare, in case you were wondering! ;)

  2. Hi Hannah! Here's what I'm grateful for:
    1. Friends
    2. Books
    3. Apple computers! (I couldn't live without them)
    4. Good grades
    5. Books

    I hope you had a great Valentine's day! I know I did. At my school you can send candygrams to your friends. I received 3 candygrams.

    Love this site!!!!!!!!! :-)


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
