09 January, 2011

photography on a freezing day

Lately I've been wanting to post a bunch ... don't know why, I just have been. I was pretty much in the mood to take some more unique shots today, so here they are. :)

It.was.cold. Freezing! The highest temperature today was supposed to be 38 degrees, but now it's 45 degrees. I wore my nice fuzzy socks out on the porch. I think I'll wear them all day, if it stays cold. I'm actually hoping it'll stay cold because these socks are the most comfortable on earth. I don't ever want to take them off.

The last photo is quite random ... it's the water spicket on the end of our front porch. It's a unique photo, but uniqueness is what I was aiming for today. Can you tell?

Things around here have just been pretty normal. Nothing that new, except for me writing a letter to my cousin, eating Mom's homemade waffles, staying online, photography, things like that ... pretty boring, but it's nice to have some time to chill out every once in a while, don't you think?


  1. Your pictures are so cool and unqiue! Were suppose to get a heavy snowfall this evening so right now the high is 33 degrees! Brr.. :)

  2. Your photo's are great and I love reading your blog .. keep up the good work and i have over 40 followers and no one hardly takes the time to comment either ..

    Take care,


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
