14 January, 2011

Twice a Week Thankfulness - Week One (second part)

Hello, girls! :-) It's Friday, and you know what that means - Twice a Week Thankfulness (TWT)! I'll start my list:
1. Warm clothes. There are lots of kids like me who don't have clean or warm clothes, and I'm very grateful that I have clean, warm clothes to wear.
2. Proverbs - my favorite book of the Bible! I read the Bible as often as I can each day, though honestly, I should read it more. Proverbs and the Psalms give me so much strength and comfort. I also like 1st and 2d Corinthians. In my eyes, the Bible is our guidebook for life. All we have to do is read it. :-)
3. Birdsongs. The birdsongs around her are absolutely beautiful. In the spring, the birdsongs were smothered by the sound of katydids chirping (katydids = hideous, weird bugs around here, a bid like grasshoppers, only much larger) but now in the early spring there's no katydids yet. Thank goodness!
Anyway, the birdsongs around here are simply gorgeous. They're like nature's music. They're most likely my favorite sound in nature. Anyway.
4. I didn't quite know how to put this one, but I'll add it anyway: each morning, waking up to looking outside my window, sometimes seeing sunshine (not much these days, though), many times seeing tons of deer outside my window, scavenging for grass, and occasionally my weird cat crossing the road. I'll have to show you some photos of my room and the backyard sometime, because they're strangely but beautifully arranged.
5. The last thing I'm grateful for this Friday is the forts my brother and I have in the woods. OK, so my brother and I never exactly play there ... we're always just running around in the woods. We can never get lost, but we never know where we are, either. Then there's the pasture where it's the most fun. Not saying that the woods aren't fun - they are extremely fun when you're in the go-outside-and-walk-around/explore mood - but we've got a tire swing and climbing trees and all of that down there, so it's the most fun in my eyes.
Either way, if we didn't have the woods or the pasture or the land, I'd still love nature. Can you tell? ;-)
If you still want to participate in TWT, go ahead! Just grab that purple button below and put it on your blog sidebar and link it. Whenever you post, can you please put "to participate in this, please go to Hannah's blog?" or something like that, and link "Hannah's blog?" Not trying to be demanding. ;-)

Have a good day, sweet readers! :-)


  1. That's a cool photo at the top of your blog! It looks familiar. I think I may have seen it before on our way to our grandparents house! Hannah

    P.S. Do you have animals?

  2. Hi Hannah!

    The photo is owned by me. I live in the Texas Hill Country near San Antonio. :-) We have a pasture and lots of woods next to us. We kind of live on a slope and we have a long, big front porch. Have you seen a house like that near your grandparents'? We're sort of at the end/back of our subdivision.

    I do have animals. A cat named Krispy, and a Golden Retriever named Sunny. I think we'll get a horse soon too! :-)

    Thanks for your comment!

    ~Hannah, blog author

  3. Hi Hannah!
    I am grateful for warm clothes too! There are so many children who don't out there. :(
    BTW,I don't want to seem rude,but if you read my blog post I changed my blog button so could you please change it? Sorry,but thanks for putting it up! :)

  4. This is a great idea, Hannah. I'll put a link to it from my blog.
    I thank the Lord for the blogs of the wonderful people I've met in blogs about dolls. It's such a joy.
    One of them is you. I really thank Him for his expression of joy through you!


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
