18 January, 2011

Twice a Week Thankfulness - Week Two

Since it's Tuesday, I thought that I'd might as well do TWT again. ;-) First of all, I'd like to thank my 27 followers! You girls are amazing. :-)
My list starts:
1. Such a sunny, beautiful day. I look out of the dining room bay window and see sunlight spilling out everywhere - into the hills in the distance, all over the lawn and covering the pasture. Okay, so it's about fifty-two degrees, but the day looks a lot warmer. ;-)
2. A perfect camera shot of a beautiful horse that lives next to the nature trails nearby! I can't tell you how many times I've been down at the nature trails, petting one of the million horses, and then seeing a beautiful shot of a horse. The horse is beautiful, the sky is beautiful, everything is beautiful. And what's tragic - I don't have my camera with me most of the time. I'll bring it next time, I assure you! ... if the batteries still aren't dead.
3. The river nearby. Life wouldn't be complete - to me - without the river for swimming, fishing, hiking on the cliffs, and much more, like nature! It's one of the most peaceful places on earth to me;)
4. A clean floor. It sounds wacky, but we just cleaned our enormous tile floor yesterday. It's a TON of work to clean, but now it's very clean, and I'm so glad it's cleaner now! I swept, and my brother mopped. Sweeping + mopping = beautiful floor.
5. Last, it's ... being homeschooled. I am not trying to brag if you go to school and want to be homeschooled, and please no mean comments about this. I don't want to sound like I am bragging, and I'm very sorry if I am bragging. Still, though, homeschooling can be tough, too. I've got math, science, language arts, history ..... you name it. So I am not bragging and I don't mean to if I am. Homeschooling is still tough!
That's the end of the list, then, I guess. ;-) You can still participate if you have a blog, Twitter, LiveJournal, or anything else that you can post frequently to, such as a Picasa. :-) Just grab that button up there, load it to your post, and not to be rude or demanding, but please, can you link my blog from yours? Thanks:)
That's about it for y'all now .... please comment! :-) Have a great day! ;-)


  1. I am thankful for my family and my family of God near and far. I always feel loved because Jesus is with me. There's no greater joy. Today it warmed up some in Florida. I love warm and I'm thankful for it!

  2. It's Tuesday and I have a whole lot to be thankful for. The main thing: Jesus saved me from my sins so I wouldn't be separated from God. Awesome! Right now I am so happy that my web shop is doing well, really the best month EVER, so that there will be more proceeds for kids to go to church camp this summer. Hooray for God! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Hope you're having a great week too, Hannah. In Christ, Sylvia


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
