16 January, 2011

Doll Find at Target!

Today my mom just came home from shopping. She came home with a ton of groceries, ect ... but my favorite thing she came home with was a doll kitchen set from Target! It's really a kitchen play set for toddlers (the box says ages 3+) but it's also perfect for dolls. The kitchen set was normally very expensive, at nearly sixteen dollars, but my mom luckily found it on toy clearance for a very good price!
I took some photos of the kitchen set today, too. It's almost all metal, and it's a complete kitchen set, with many pots and pans, a strainer, whisks, soup ladles, and much more! I've been needed a kitchen set for my dolls' home, and I have a large box for the counter, so now my dolls' kitchen will be complete soon! I am so happy:)

Here's my new doll Elizabeth that I got for Christmas with the kitchen set! Hehe, she needed to change of of her pj's ...
I am so happy my mom found this at the store! I haven't opened it yet, but it looks like an awesome kitchen set! My dolls, as well, are very happy that they finally have things to cook with. I also got Addy's Ice Cream set recently, so I've got silverware, bowls, and pie and ice cream - LOL! For my dolls, of course:)
Last thing - I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much about my dolls lately. I know that some of you may think that I don't like my dolls anymore and that I've grown out of them, but I still love them and play with them every day, so look out for more posts about them! :-)
Have you found any things for your dolls at Target or another store? I'd love to hear! :-) Have a lovely rest-of-the-evening, girls! ;-)


  1. Hannah, that's so cool! I think I have a set like that from when I was younger... I'll pull it out and take a look at it sometime.
    Thanks for posting about your dolls!!! You have awesome dolls!!!

  2. Cool! I have a pizza set for my dolls that I got at Target, and I, too, got it on sale! It WAS originally $16, but I paid $8!!! :D



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