27 May, 2011

fifty followers and an announcement!

Yes, folks (folks, you ask? I am used to calling people "folks" -- not!), I now have FIFTY followers!! : ) It seems just like yesterday I was saying, "YAY! I have...fifteen followers!" and then I reached twenty, then thirty, then forty...and then fifty.

It took just a little over a year for my blog to achieve fifty followers. Speaking of followers and all of that stuff about achieving them, I've learned that blogging isn't about having a million followers and getting a million comments on each post, and I've learned that not every post is going to be happy. Blogging is not someting that you are supposed to be completely devoted to. Well, you have to be devoted to blogging a little bit -- better yet, you have to "pay attention" to blogging a little bit so your blog doesn't turn to dust. ; ) But I think you get what I'm saying.

I don't want this to sound like some long, lackadaisical speech that you're just going to skip, and I don't want this to turn out to be a long paragraph and you to think, "Gosh, how boring. I just want to see the good stuff, like that announcement. If it's not too boring, that is." Well, I can assure you it's not boring. At least I hope you won't start snoring. ; ) (Haha, I rhymed, I think. :-o )

Once I read that the BEST bloggers are the ones who
1. don't post a ton,
2. keep their blog simple and tidy (free of tons of little buttons and blinkies cluttering their sidebars -- it's okay to have up to six or seven of those, but don't clutter your sidebar!),
3. don't use innapropriate language,
4. and don't post continuously about the same thing over and over and over and over. Sometimes you feel like you read the same sentence over and over. Sometimes you feel like you read the same sentence over and over. Sometimes you feel like you read the same sentence over and over. And it never stops! ; )

But I think you get my drift.

If this post is getting boring, don't fret, because I'm going to announce that said announcement! :D

Okay, so what is it?

It's actually that... I am free of schoolwork for the summer. *Crowd is speechless* Today I finished up my schoolwork and am free of schoolwork for ze summer. ; )

I hope that wasn't too boring, but if it was, it was pretty short... : )

So, I guess that wraps up this [perhaps boring (?)] post. ; )

Do you have any blogging goals, like reaching a certain number of followers, getting a certain number of comments on a post or achieving anything else? Please let me know. I love to hear from you! : )

-- Hannah


  1. I hope to have people that READ my blog. I don't need millions of comments, nor do I need millions of followers, but I just want to know people like my blog. :) Happy 50th Follower!

    ~Carolyn ☺

  2. Congrats on finishing your school work! The countdown starts for me; 11 contact days left! One of my blogging goals is to make my blog something that people always enjoy reading. I guess that's the point of a blog anyways!

  3. Cool! I only have four followers, but I'm hoping for more! :D


I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
