01 May, 2011


Yes, I know. My blog looks terrible. And the worst of it?
I don't know how it happened.

First I tried moving the sidebar to the left. Then I tried adding this code and adding this. Before long, my blog looked lovely. And all of a sudden, I made a mistake with the HTML - and it looked horrible.

I don't know how I will get my blog 'back on its feet.' It's REALLY messed up. The whole layout is just like a messy room that needs serious renovation. And the people renovating it are not pros at renovating, but can do it with hard work. However, they just don't know where to start. EVERYTHING is messy.

The fonts are messed up. The layout is just plain wacky. It's not normal. You see, I know HTML. I'm not an absolute pro, but I am good with it. I know how it works. No, I can't sit down and make a blog look like it's a different site in just an afternoon, but I do know HTML.

I will get my blog fixed. No doubt about that. And I'm very sorry for its messy, horrible appearance at the moment. I know it must be a dread to visit.

This blog will get back on its feet. It will. Trust me, though; it will take a while. My blog needs to get back on its feet. It needs to straighten out. After a while, it'll be a lot better.

In Christ,


  1. Did you ever post who won that give-away of yours? You know, the one with the bag? And I don't mind your blog is all messed up. It sorta is cool, if you think about it.

  2. You'll get it like you want soon. In the meantime, really it's okay! Sylvia


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