11 May, 2011

updates {and, yes, a doll post at last!}

It's 8:32 right now, but I'm doing a post anyway, since...hm...I guess I just feel like posting. I guess I'm in a posting mood! ;-) {Everyone gets in those moods...}
I have a lot of updates for you all. A lot. Well, maybe just two. :P

My first update is that my mom and I "redesigned" part of my room. Yesterday, we moved my first desk shelf down so I could display my dolls on it. Before we moved the shelf, my shelf was too small for displaying dolls so they could stand. My mom suggested making them sit down, but I was like, "Well, yeah, but I play with them so much, and it would be a little bothersome to go and take them off the shelf and all of that, and it would be easy for stuff to get in the way. I don't want to bang my elbow on something like my lamp!" Okay, I'm kidding about the elbow part. But still.

Well, just yesterday we remedied that. With my brother's help, because one of the metal hinge things that held up the shelf was kind of stuck, we moved the shelf down enough so my dolls could stand on it. And now, they are standing on it!

So, now they can be displayed without me having to reach up super high and get them. Almost nothing can get in my way when I grab them. Best of all, it's tall enough for them to stand and they look really sweet being on display. I still need to clean my desk up because there's a lot of junk on it...like hair accessories, books, stuffed animals, my piggy bank...my ballerina snow globe...the list goes on and on! *sigh*

I would share some photos with you now, but when I tried uploading, the server rejected my photos... :-/ So I'll try to edit this post later and post some photos soon! {So sorry for the inconvenience!}

The second update I have is...tomorrow is my birthday. Carolyn at Snow Globes in my Wardrobe sweetly wished me a happy {early, but, well, who cares...?} birthday in her most recent post! Thank you so much, Caro. :-)

Tomorrow {my birthday} we will buy the cake and ice cream, and go to the park to celebrate and open presents. Like Mystery Doll. I can't wait. :-)

Hopefully the doll I'm getting for my birthday {read more about her HERE} won't be miffed that, after her long journey, she will be opened up in a park and say, "What? I traveled ALL the way from China to Texas, and this is where I am? Golly!"

Well, that's about it for tonight, so I guess I should be wrapping this post up...

I hope you have a great evening! {Night, really...so I should probably be saying good-night...}

Yours truly,


{ ps. No, if you're wondering, I haven't grown out of my dolls. I still do like them! And in case you're a bit miffed/sad I haven't done a doll post lately, I've been pretty busy, but I can assure you I have not grown out of dolls. Why else would I be getting one for my birthday? ;-) }

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday!!!!
    Your desk sounds alot like mine...LOL


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