10 May, 2011

tomorrow, my blog will be...one.

The title says it all - tomorrow, my blog will be turning one. (That makes me think that my blog is...um...a person...)
I can't remember when I created this blog and named it and all, but I posted the day before my birthday, and tomorrow is the day before my birthday. (I'm really excited!!)

I wrote a lot differently than I do now. Sometimes I'm tempted to go back and edit a post, and make it sound better. But, as my mom says: that's what the past is for. I'm glad that I learned to use better grammar and how to spell correctly, and I'm glad that I learned from that. When you make mistakes, you're supposed to learn from them, right?

When I used to blog, my posts were pretty boring and I can understand why not many commented. I never used to edit my posts that much. I'd use spell check, but I wouldn't rephrase anything as much as I do now, if I rephrased anything at all. I used a lot of exclamation points, too. Now I can't stand to use a lot of them.

This was the average picture I took back then:

My photography back then was okay, but not that great. That was normal, though, since I didn't really like taking photos as much as I do now and didn't really care if I took photos with flash or if a photo was a little blurry. Now I care, but back then, I just didn't like taking photos as much.

In fact, my interest in photography started when I saw several bloggers display their photos and talk about what camera they used on each one. They talked about shutter speeds, ISO settings, and aperture, and I didn't know what they were talking about at all, but it still was cool to me, and so I started taking photos a little more seriously. That summer, I got a new camera, a GH point-and-shoot.

Then my photography improved a lot, and while I'm still not a pro at all, I think I've gotten reasonably better. I know about shutter speeds and all of that now, and if I had the money, I'd seriously consider buying a Canon EOS T1i Rebel. That would be a dream. A true dream.

Besides my photography improving, as I've mentioned before, my writing has improved quite a bit, too. Here's a small excerpt from one of my old posts.

I am a crazy doll-lover. So far I have Kirsten Larson, age 9, American Girl brand doll, Samantha Parkington, age 9, American Girl brand doll, Hailey Johnson, age 9, Our Generation brand doll, Julie Albright, age 11, American Girl brand doll, Abby Smithson, age 9, American Girl brand doll, and Elsie Dinsmore, age 8, A Life of Faith brand doll. That totals to 6 dolls. Elsie is the youngest, Julie the oldest. The rest are 9-year-olds.

I don't think the first sentence was too bad, but the next sentence is a little too long. The rest of the paragraph is pretty obvious information.

My blog has come a long way since May 11th, 2010. I am older than when I was before. I've gotten more dolls since then, and I've gotten a lot more followers (not to brag about these two, and I mean it). I've come a *lot* farther in blog designing and HTML. My writing style and photography style have changed, too.

Lately I've noticed...mabye some of my posts are kind of boring. Maybe they aren't interesting. Maybe I should 'spice them up' a bit.

So, with that being said, I'd really appreciate it if you had any recommendations for me to post about. For example, do you want me to post about a certain thing? Which is my posts do you like the best?

Some friendly critism is very welcome, and I'd appreciate it. :)

Thanks for reading and have a good Tuesday!

In Christ,



  1. I would suggest posting more about your dolls. I miss those old posts about them. :)

    Your follower/reader,

  2. I would love to see more posts..well, ugh, like, more...interesting? I very do hope you don't take this mean in any way, I am truly not trying to hurt your feelings. But maybe you could add a little humor to your posts. Make them brighter in way. Does this help? Because I am so trying not to say this in a rude way. If I am, so sorry! :( :( :( Bad, Leanna. ;)


  3. Priya - I'm sorry I haven't posted about my dolls lately, but I have not grown out of them. ;) I'm planning a post about them at the moment.

    Leanna - I'm really glad you stated your opinion! :) Yeah, I'll try to be a bit more fun. And funny, of course. ;)

    Thank you all for commenting! :)


  4. Hannah, God made you well. Simply. You are amazing, and you needn't change who you are because your fans like it. Thing about what you like, because this is YOUR blog. I'll always be a fan, and always have been.



I love comments; thanks so much for leaving me one! All I ask is that you keep them clean and respectful; so please no 'OMG's or use of the Lord's name in vain. Thanks :)
